的 Mitsubishi 激光 SmartFlex 自动化 line allows laser operations to move faster and more efficiently than ever before. Not only will operations run smoothly but so will material-handling and inventory-tracking with the River Navigation System.

Exactly how can SmartFlex 自动化 solutions prove useful? For one, all SmartFlex 自动化 lines are expandable to grow with any changing needs. 的y also include:

  • aerial positioning
  • automatic sheet separation and thickness detection
  • quick heavy-duty load and unload cycles
  • 6000磅. capacity storage towers
  • automated SmartStation carts

的 multiple models offer various benefits including the ability to service up to four lasers with one system and smaller, space-saving, units that fit in the tightest of places. 的 SmartFlex RAPID 自动化 system is the fastest system with a load/unload cycle time of 52 seconds and the SmartFlex COMPACT is the perfect system for short-run jobs with the ability to grow alongside your shop. Both series include additional configurations which can be found by clicking on the links above, respectively.

的 River Navigation System provides an easy automation setup that allows it to schedule multiple products runs in one shift — maximizing workflow while minimizing labor. 的 system can also easily expand to accommodate future company growth. It accommodates most sheet sizes and holds up to 6000磅 per shelf.
